3 easy steps to help you plan your meals and save you time and money

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  Add (or copy!) recipes to your cookbook
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How To Add Recipes

1) First, make sure you are looking at your own cookbook, called "My Cookbook".

You can tell if you are looking at your own cookbook because the cookbook will look like My Cookbook in the upper left.
If it doesn't, you can open your cookbook by clicking on "My Cookbook" on the right side of the screen under "Cookbooks". My Cookbook Link

2) Click on the Add Recipe button: My Cookbook Link

3) A window will pop up. Enter in your recipe. When you are done, click on the Add Recipe Button button.

4) Refresh your cookbook to see the new recipe.

Refresh your cookbook by clicking on "My Cookbook" on the right side of the screen under "Cookbooks". My Cookbook Link